The Struggles Behind Using Science Vocabulary
Throughout my years of teaching chemistry, I noticed that vocabulary is a major obstacle to understanding science. This became especially clear during a lesson on ionic compounds. My whiteboard was packed with terms like “octet rule,” “valence electrons,” “cations,” and “anions.” As I looked at my students, their expressions changed. They went from engaged to confused. Their eyes glazed over as if I had started speaking another language.
I paused during the lesson and asked, “How many of you feel completely lost?” At first, a few hesitant hands crept up. Then, like a slow wave, more students found the courage to raise their hands. Eventually, more than half the classroom admitted they did not understand the content.
One of my students furrowed his brow in frustration. He spoke up and addressed the core issue: “Why do we have to use all these hard words? I kinda get what you’re saying, but the words make it harder.”
That moment confirmed what I had suspected all along. The problem was not with the scientific concepts themselves, but with the overwhelming number of unfamiliar terms.
Understanding the Vocabulary Barrier
The Challenge of Scientific Language
Scientific vocabulary is tough for students because it’s not something they encounter in their everyday lives. Words like “mitochondria” or “atomic radius” aren’t exactly topics of casual conversation at lunch or while hanging out with friends. Since these terms are confined to the classroom, they feel foreign and unfamiliar.
Moreover, many scientific words are abstract, meaning they are hard to visualize or connect to anything concrete. Terms like “ionization energy” or “molecular polarity” do not create clear images in students’ minds. This makes these terms even more challenging to grasp.
So if these words are hard to comprehend, why do scientists use them?
Why Science Vocabulary Matters
Scientists use these complex terms for a reason. They provide clarity and precision. Each scientific term has one exact meaning. Of course there are exceptions but I am talking in the general sense here. For instance, the word “photosynthesis” specifically refers to the process by which plants convert light into energy. Nothing more, nothing less. There is no room for misinterpretation. This is important because it ensures clear communication among scientists. This prevents misunderstandings that can lead to errors in research or application.
The Cognitive Load Challenge
But for someone new to science, these words can be overwhelming. Especially when a lot of new words are introduced in a short amount of time, which is often the case in science. When students wrestle with a lot of unfamiliar terms, they use up so much brain power just trying to understand the words that they have little energy left to understand the concepts themselves.
So how can teachers break down these complex scientific terms so students actually understand and remember them?
A Three-Step Approach for Teaching Science Vocabulary
Step 1: Building Background Knowledge
Before explicitly teaching scientific terms, it is important for students to have background knowledge on the topic. When students have background knowledge, they can connect new vocabulary to familiar ideas, making the terms stick. I use two techniques in my classroom to build background knowledge for vocabulary. These techniques are concept maps and the use of visuals.
Using Concept Maps to Build Background Knowledge
In my classroom, I often use concept maps to help students build background knowledge. I can almost hear the skepticism—“But if they don’t know the vocabulary, how can they build a concept map?”
The key is to provide resources that explain scientific concepts in student-friendly language. According to Dr. Bryan Brown, the author of Science in the City: Culturally Relevant STEM Education, “Introducing the concept in simple language would help the students gain a clear understanding of the basics of the content. This would allow the students to learn the academic language associated with the content more efficiently.”
Following this approach, I give my students student-friendly resources to use as a reference when constructing their concept maps. As students explore these materials, they can identify relationships and construct their concept maps using language they can readily grasp. The purpose of concept maps is to cause students to make connections between existing and new ideas.
If you want more details on how to implement concept maps in your classroom, check out my previous post “Concept Maps: A Tool for Strengthening Background Knowledge and Boosting Comprehension.”
Using Visuals to Build Background Knowledge
If I am short on time and can’t implement concept maps, I rely on visuals to build background knowledge for vocabulary.
One way to use visuals is by having students define terms and draw pictures to represent each concept. Drawing forces them to engage with the definitions on a deeper level than just copying them down. However, it’s crucial to model this process. If not, they might rush through it. They would then miss out on the critical thinking needed to really grasp the concepts.
“When I see you just copying definitions and drawing a quick picture, I know you’re trying to get the work done faster, but you’re missing the point. Think about the word’s meaning and how you’d explain it in your own words. That’s how you’ll build real understanding. Shortcuts might feel good now, but later on, when the content gets tougher, you’ll be frustrated.”

Another way to add visuals is by incorporating videos to bring the vocabulary to life.
Videos help show the terms in context, making it easier for students to connect words to their meanings. If you want to make it more interactive, ask students guiding questions. Focus mainly on the vocabulary that you want students to master.
Step 2: Mastering Science Vocabulary Through Memorization
Once students have some background knowledge of the key terms, memorizing them becomes much easier. This is because it’s simpler to remember new information when students can connect it to something they already understand. While memorization often gets criticized as “rote learning,” it’s actually a vital step in building a strong foundation in science. Let me explain why.
When students don’t memorize the basic terms, they spend so much mental energy trying to recall or understand word meanings that they have little left for processing the science concepts. It’s like trying to build a house without first laying the foundation. No matter how strong the upper structure is, it won’t stand without a solid base. In science, vocabulary forms that essential base. Without it, students can’t fully engage with more advanced concepts because they’re stuck trying to interpret the language rather than focusing on the ideas behind it.
So what happens when students dedicate time to memorizing the key terms? When students become confident in their knowledge of scientific terms, they can navigate more complex material with greater ease. Knowing the terminology frees their brain to focus on problem-solving, critical thinking, and applying concepts. This shift transforms their learning experience. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by unfamiliar words, they feel empowered to dive deeper into the content.
So how do we approach memorization? Here’s how!
Flashcards for Memorization
One of the most effective ways I have found to move vocabulary from short-term to long-term memory is through flashcards. Flashcards seem simple, but their power lies in repeated exposure and active recall. When students regularly quiz themselves using flashcards, they strengthen the neural connections in their brain that link the word to its meaning. Over time, this repetitive practice helps make the vocabulary automatic. This means students can recall it quickly and effortlessly when they need it.
Therefore, I have students study flashcards in class.
For a complete guide on creating and implementing an effective flashcard system in your classroom, see my post “Flashcards Done Right: Cognitive Science Strategies for Deeper Learning.”
Implementing Low-Stakes Quizzing
After students are done studying their flashcards, I give them a quick, no-pressure quiz to check for understanding. “This won’t affect your grade,” I tell them with a smile. “Think of it as a checkpoint. I want to see what’s sticking in your memory and what needs more work. That way I can teach in a way that helps you learn better. Put your flashcards away for now. I need to see what you actually remember.” The quiz is low-stakes. It reduces anxiety and cheating. This encourages students to focus on learning rather than just getting the right answer.
I typically use Google Forms for this, set up in a multiple-choice format. The beauty of Google Forms is that it gives me real-time feedback. It allows me to instantly see where students are struggling. I can also see where they excel. It also has a locked mode. This feature helps me make sure that students are answering the questions from memory and not from referencing resources.
Afterward, I share the results with the class. I do not reveal any names to ease students’ anxiety. Then, I go over any common errors or confusing questions. We discuss why certain answers were wrong and what strategies could be used to better understand the terms. This collective review reinforces the idea that mistakes are just opportunities to learn. It takes the pressure off while still holding students accountable for mastering the vocabulary.
Step 3: Practicing in Context
Once students have demonstrated a good grasp of the vocabulary, we shift focus to applying these terms in context. This is where the magic really happens. Scientific vocabulary can feel abstract and disconnected at first, but using it to describe scientific processes brings it to life.
For example, in our Ionic Compounds Unit, I ask students to describe how atoms become ions. They must incorporate the vocabulary words they’ve studied. To aid this process, I offer a checklist of vocabulary words. Students can this checklist to track their use of these terms in their explanations. This exercise forces students to truly engage with the vocabulary, applying it in a meaningful and context-driven way.
Measuring Success and Moving Forward
When we approach scientific vocabulary with intention, we can transform it into a powerful tool for scientific thinking. We do this by building background knowledge first. Then, we support memorization and provide meaningful practice. I witnessed this transformation just a few weeks ago. During a group activity, I overheard a student. She was explaining to her classmates how sodium atoms “lose their valence electrons to become cations.” She wasn’t reading from notes or answering a test question. She was simply helping a peer understand a concept. She naturally used terminology that would have made her eyes glaze over just days before. This is what success looks like: scientific vocabulary starts to shift from foreign language to everyday speech. It becomes students’ natural way of describing the world around them.
But perhaps the most rewarding outcome isn’t just the mastery of terminology. It’s watching students develop genuine confidence in their ability to learn science. That vocabulary hurdle that once seemed so daunting becomes just another stepping stone in their scientific journey.
If you’re a science teacher wrestling with vocabulary instruction, I encourage you to try this three-step approach. Every classroom is different, so adapt these strategies to fit your students’ needs.
I’d love to hear about your experiences and insights. What vocabulary teaching strategies have worked in your classroom? What challenges are you still facing? Let’s learn from each other and build a community of practice around effective science vocabulary instruction.